Saturday, March 8, 2008


"what was it about this scene that compelled me to take the shot?"

years ago, i read some advice from photographer Freeman Patterson about taking photos...the idea was that it is so easy to pick up a camera and point and shoot that we really need to ask ourselves what it is about the scene we are contemplating that is enticing us to make the shot...and then do all we can to capture that element.

i have tried to do that over the years with better success at times than others, but i find myself just as often asking myself the question certainly can be an intriguing exercise and at times illuminating....

"night in day" and "stark"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm these are luscious!! I love how the light and shadow play off one another, and such intricate complex shapes. I've been perusing your blog, and am enjoying all of your photos so very much. The newer more abstracted painting exercises have really come along as well. Nice, nice work, Bill!